zaterdag 11 januari 2014

Stash Bee Hive #12

This year I'm participating in a Bee Hive from Stash Bee

The January block is a PP (paper pieced) block...oops!!! 
I have never PP before so I was a little bit intimidated to begin.

I asked Mr Quilts n Stuff to print the template on 'actual size''ve guessed; 
he didn't so my first ever PP project turned out too small :-(

After printing the template again I made two blocks, one for the the Bee and one extra just to practice PP.

this block is too small :-(

and these blocks are just fine!!!

I don't think I like the PP technique; it has a lot of  cutting and since I have joint problems
 my wrists are hurting after sewing 2 (and a half) block....

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik vind dit een hele leuk ster. Hij kan ook met de naaimachine gemaakt worden, zo te zien. Heb jij dat ook gedaan ?

    1. Klopt Patricia, Ik doe eigenlijk alles naaien op de machine en dan met de hand quilten
